Friday, March 6, 2009

One Decision

I liked the movie “Back to the Future.” Really don’t know why, but I did. You remember I am sure, a young man by the name of Marty McFly meets a strange scientist with a machine that has the ability to go back in time. Marty has the opportunity to meet his mother and father when they were teenagers. His dad, George Mcfly was a wimp afraid to stand up to anybody. That is the only way that Marty knew his dad until he is transported back to the night that will determine the course of the rest of his Dad’s life as well as his Mom’s. One decision made all the difference. Will Geroge McFly stand up to the bully who is attacking his girlfriend, who will one day become Marty’s mother? It was the turning point in George’s life and Marty is there to help his Dad make the right and courageous choice. It totally changes the course of George McFly’s life. He steps up, defends his girl, and takes care of the bully who wanted her. Instead of the life Marty has known with a pretty unsuccessful dad, he returns to his life with a strong and successful dad because of that one choice. How powerful one choice can make in a persons life. We all have opportunities that come our way and one choice can make a difference forever. I was 22 years old and just out of the Military; the year was 1973. My wife was not happy with the way I was living and all that I was doing. I had the attitude of who cares what she thinks, I don’t need her anyway. I was working at night loading trucks when a man I was working with began to talk to me about the Lord and going to Church. I was nice to him because he was a nice guy. I thought this is what I will do, I will tell him I will go to Church then he will be quiet. So I did! I kept my word and went to my Father-n-Laws church. I had been to Church before so this was nothing new for me. At the close of the service that preacher said this, “What guarantee do you have that if you walk out the door and someone comes up to you and puts a gun to your head and pulls the trigger then what? All of a sudden I started thinking I don’t know. Remember I had not long been out of the military and I could identify with that. Then that preacher said this,” your heart is about to pound out of your chest,” and it was. He said “take the first step and the next will be easier” and I did take that first step. Never had I done anything like that before and I sure didn’t go to Church that morning to do that. On that day I made a decision that would and did change the course of my life. I can only imagine what my life would be now if I had not given my heart to the Lord on that day in April 1973. By the way my wife, her name is Judy and my attitude changed. This past January 7 we were married 39 years and she is the love of my life and as I have told her more times than I can count “without you life just wouldn’t be worth living.” What decision have you made that changed your life? My life was changed eternally that day by just one decision.

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