Monday, March 16, 2009

Time, Is there Enough

“There’s not enough time to get it all done.” Do you ever feel defeated? May be you feel you’re not hitting on all cylinders. Do you want the best at everything all the time but have come to realize that it’s just not possible? In the book of Daniel, there is a story in the first chapter that addresses these concerns. We are told of four young men who have had their entire lives turned upside down. They have been taken from their home, they are in exile in Babylon and they are having a new lifestyle forced on them. They’ve had their names changed and their whole lives upset by new standards and expectations. In the middle of the first chapter, Daniel has to make a choice about eating the king’s food. Among all the pressure to yield to a long list of new expectations, Daniel chose to say “no more.” In doing so, he chose faithfulness to God and was blessed in the process. You and I face similar situations daily, not with food from the king’s table, but with our time. We have to decide on a daily basic who or what is going to get our time. We all have the same amount of time each day as we are told in Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: The choices that we make today will either bring us in line with the life and will of God and draw us closer to His purpose or they will move us further from Him. Invest in the choices today that will fulfill God’s purpose in you. Have you taken the time to pray today? Will you have the time to see what God has to say personally to you form His word today? What about that friend that needs a kind word? Do you think you’ll have a few minutes for him or her? Think! What will you spend your time on today? I hope you will be like Daniel as you decide today. It may be time to say “no more!” These are hard decisions to make, to be sure, but you, like Daniel, will find yourself blessed. It's going to be a great day because you are here.

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