Friday, September 4, 2009

Opportunity to be Great

Have you ever missed an opportunity to be great? I think we would all like to be great in our children's lives, our wives eyes. There is a man I go to Church with and every time he is talking and his wife is by his side she has this look that says "my man knows what he is talking about you better listen." I have watched her many times and to tell you the truth I am not so much listening to him as I am watching her expressions. She has the opportunity and she takes advantage of it. I read this story I want to share with you; I wonder how many times I missed being great? It was in the Oklahoma City airport when a man saw a woman walking along with three little girls. They were skipping and singing, "Daddy's coming home on a big jet! Daddy's coming home on a big jet!" All excited! Eyes lit up like diamonds! Wild anticipation! They had never before met Daddy coming home on a jet. Their mother was so proud of them. You could see it in her eyes. Then the plane arrived, the door opened and the passengers streamed in. You didn't have to ask which one was Daddy. The girls' eyes were glued on him. But his first look was for his wife. Seeing her, he yelled, "Why in the heck didn't you bring my top coat?" and walked right past his adoring daughters. You see, here was a man who had an opportunity to be great, and he didn't recognize it. I wonder how many times a day or a week, a month do we have the opportunity to be great, and not even know it? The apostle Paul say in Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
It may be with just our looks and talk when our children show us something or as they dash across the room and grab us around our legs and make us almost fall. If we get angry we just missed an opportunity to be great. If we arrive home and our wife has not so much as fixed your supper you have a choice you can blow up and tell her how sorry she is or you can jump in and fix her something to eat. She may have had an awful day, or may not be feeling well herself. It's up to you! I had rather hear her telling someone how wonderful I am than hearing her telling someone how I acted with no consideration of how she felt. Take the opportunities to be great and watch for that opportunity to reveal itself. One day I will be gone and I want my children to have good memories of me in their heart. How much I loved them and showed them. My wife how much I loved her and the memories I want to be endless. I have missed times that I could have been great and have become like the man in the airport but I want them to be far and few between and if possible never. So why not today let's go see if we can be great in someone's life; look for the opportunity.

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