Thursday, November 19, 2009


When I was a teen my Dad set a curfew; 11:30 not 11:31 but 11:30. I can never remember sitting on the front steps waiting for 11:29 so I could walk in the door right on the dot. But I must say I was there at 11:30 simply because I knew my Dad meant business and he was no three strikes and you're out type Dad, he was 11:31 and you're out and I knew that. There are those who like walking the edge. The problem with that is when we live life near the edge we can go too far before we realize it. Driving on the edge of a road is dangerous, because it can be easy to lose control and drive off the edge. The grooves on a road are there to warn you that you are getting too close to running off. The guard rail is there if you go too far off the edge to stop you and keep you from hurting others. God has put things in our Bible to help us stay on track! As a matter of fact He has given us 10 things to help us be better people. Here are a few Exodus 20:12
{revere, respect} thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Want to live a long life? Sure you do! Then give reverence and respect to your Mom & Dad; that's only if you enjoy living and want to live a long life.

Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.

Exodus 20:14
Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.

Just be honest with the people you come in contact with each day. When people lose control they fly off the edge and began to make one bad decision after another and before they know it they are flying off the moral cliff. Stay on the narrow road and you will be so glad you did one day. Now go have a great day and don't push the envelope; for you want to win. If my Dad meant what he said how much more does God!

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