Friday, November 6, 2009

Is it 1860 For You?

When do you quit? I ask myself a question when things aren't going good or the way I want them too and that question is "am I ready to quit." Anybody can quit at anytime they want, but is that the thing to do? Who will be hurt if I quit? How many will be affected if I quit? Who will be disappointed if I decide to quit? How many will be discouraged if I quit? You and I may never know how many people our lives touch and if we quit it may destroy more than we could ever imagine. As I said it is easy to quit all you have to do is just stop. Life will go on people will still wake up in the morning and go about their daily routine. So what has kept me from quitting? I have a hero that had one failure after another and he didn't quit and every time I feel like quitting I think about him. He failed in business in 1831. He was defeated for state legislature in 1832. He tried another business in 1833 and it failed. His fiancé died in 1835. He had a nervous breakdown in 1836. In 1843 he ran for Congress and was defeated. He tried again in 1848 and was defeated again. He tried running for the Senate in 1855 and lost. The next year he ran for vice president and lost. In 1859 he ran for the Senate again and was defeated again. But in 1860 he ran for president of the United States, and Abraham Lincoln became our sixteenth president. If he had quit he would have been what most people thought he was, a loser, but deep down inside himself he believed he was a winner. When we think about the apostle Paul we would have to think that the people of his day would consider him a religious loser. But we know better today, for had it not been for the apostle Paul we would not have most of the New Testament and most of which was written in prison. But he never quit and because of that we are blessed today. Too many today have no goals, no dreams, no future plans and that is an easy mode to get into and then they become depressed and that is an awful mode to be in. The Lord a few years ago showed me something that has blessed me and others too. I can do nothing about yesterday it is in the history books forever and there is nothing I can do about tomorrow for it is still future. But there is something I can do about today and here is how I start my day off. I awake and I realize that I have a whole new day and I say to myself Psalms 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
It's a whole brand new day and this is a day the Lord has made so why not rejoice in it, why not be glad and if you went to bed ready to quit get excited and get going again for this might be the day everything changes for you. It might be like the day in 1860 when the man who had become accustomed to losing became President. Don't quit and let me say it again "whatever you do don't quit any one can do that and you are not just anyone you are a winner and today could be 1860!

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