Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Level, New Devils

The phone rings; I answer and say "Reformers Unanimous this is Wayne can I help you. The voice on the other end sounds discouraged and heartbroken; they are frustrated and have come to a point to ask for help. This is a big step for them because they have tried to work out their problems with drugs, alcohol or whatever and have failed more times than they want to admit. They began to ask questions and I answered with what they can understand at the time for it is impossible to explain the program to someone who has no idea of what is required. The problem we run into many times is that some have allowed their addiction to take full control of their lives. It starts out as fun and ends up in horror; let me show you. First it is like a toe hold it seldom restricts and is enjoyable and satisfying, but it never stays there. It then moves to a foot hold and this slows your progress somewhat but you tell yourself I can quit anytime; or that's what you want to believe. Then like anything else it continues to grow and then becomes a strong hold and this slows your progress as well as productivity and becomes like hand cuffs; in other words it's not hid any longer. Then comes the strangle hold and this is where it takes over, it's not fun but you can't stop for it has complete control of your life. So what can I do when I realize that this person who just called me needs more help that I can give them? In the case of one young lady her friends and relatives sent her out of state for help; a 30-day program and $10,000 dollars later she came home only to find herself back involved with her strong hold. It may be impossible to help everyone in a 30-day program when it took more than 30-days to create the problem. So as I face the New Year I have set a very high goal to go to the next level and help those who can't or don't think they can do a self-help program. We want to open at this point a Men's Home and then in the near feature a Home for women as well. This will be a home where we will teach them how to have control over their lives once again. We'll teach work ethics, put them on a daily schedule and teach them how to handle their finances. They will be in a 24-hour 7-day a week controlled environment which will last six to eight months. They will attend Church on a regular basis; wait, wait; why will Church make any real difference? It won't, if that's all they get; but that is not the goal, the real goal is that they will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and build a lasting relationship with Him; and that my friend will make the difference! Someone in our area has to have the vision and the vision is shining bright in my heart. The goals have been set and at this moment we are moving forward with phase one to Incorporate Scarlet Thread Ministries; this should be done by the middle of January. We then move into the second phase which is to apply for a 501 c 3 none profit organization which will take longer. We are excited about the New Year and what the Lord is going to do; we ask for your prayers as we, with the Lords help endeavor to move in this direction. The phone rings; I answer and say "Reformers Unanimous this is Wayne can I help you; and no matter what is said on the other end I will have help for them here in our area.

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

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