Friday, April 9, 2010


I was praying a while back and thanking God for the people who had a significant influence on me. These people had made a real difference in my life but they didn't know it. Then I had this thought; what if one day I was standing at the funeral home telling their families about the influence and difference their loved one had made in my life. When one of them would say I'm sure they were glad to hear how much they influenced you. Then I thought I never let them know how much they had impacted my life. That would be awful to let such a thing happen. On the next morning I called five men who had in one way or another made an impact in my life over the last 10 years; and I was right they didn't know. Is that not what the Apostle Paul was saying

1Thesslonians 2:8
So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.
Is Paul not saying "we felt strongly about you that we not only shared the Good News of the Gospel with you but we shared our lives with you also?" That is just what those men had done in my life they share the Good News with me every time they told me what God had done in their life. They share things with me about themselves that made me stronger. They impacted my life by the Gospel, they impacted my life in the ministry, they impacted my life in Business, they impacted my life in how to deal with problems that arise, they impacted my life in dealing with others and they taught me how to forgive and how to have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Had I not taken the time to tell them they would have never known? Just the other day one of them had a birthday I picked up the phone and gave them a called and this is what I said. "Today is a great day for on this day a man was born who would greatly impact my life and I am thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing our paths to cross, so I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me and tell you Happy Birthday." His reply was that was awful nice of you to say that; and all I said was you are a good friend who has helped more than you'll ever know this side of eternity.

Give it some thought; has God allowed someone to cross your path that has greatly impacted you? Is there anyone you can think of that has influenced you in the past five to ten years? If so why don't you let them know; just tell them what an impact and influence that they had on your life. I am sure they don't know and as I heard a person say long ago "give me roses by telling how much I mean to you now and you can forget sending then to a funeral home." Have a great weekend and don't miss what God wants to tell you at your Place of Worship. Pick up the phone send an email or get on FB and let someone know how you feel about them. See you Monday.

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