Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It has almost been two years since I started writing and sending a daily email out and blogging the emails. I would like to share with you what made such an impact in my life for me to start. One morning I was reading about a store manager who had pulled his people together to instruct them how to increase sales at the local grocery store where they were working. There was another young man who had some health problems that wanted so much to help his employer; what could he do since he was just a bag boy? As that young man went home he had an idea and talked to his dad about it. He told his dad that he could write out a quote and make copies of it and give a copy to the customers as they came through his line. Wonderful idea his dad told him and that's just what he did. One day the store manger noticed that there was a line all the way to the back of the store. He quickly opened other checkout lines. As he began to try shortening the line no one wanted to change lines, they all had the same answer we want Mike's quote for the day. Sells had increased in the store because of one young man's idea that he put into practice. After reading about that young boy I said I can do that so I quickly found me a short quote and off I went. The first person I gave it to after reading it began to cry. As she looked at me she told me she really needed that. I continued to give out the quote but there was no one else that it affected that way. As I began to think I said I can do that with emails and so I started with small quotes. All was going good until one night at Church a man came to me and told me that he enjoyed my emails and said you need to put more with that. That is what I did, there are now over two hundred readers that I know of and who knows where they go from there. All because someone I didn't know impacted my life to do something different and the Lord has blessed me with a mind that remembers and gives me the things to write about. We serve an awesome God. My goals are very simple here they ar

John 8:31
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. First, I want everyone to believe on Jesus. Second, I want those that have put their trust in Jesus to continue in His word, the Bible. Third, if we believe and continue in His Word we will then become His disciples or learners. Fourth, when you know the truth because you know Jesus and have been taught by Him then you will understand that you are made free. I hope the Lord has blessed you and brought to your mind things that have and will encourage you as you encourage others. Thanks for reading the simple emails I send out Monday – Friday.

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