Thursday, July 8, 2010


Have you ever heard or maybe ever said "what on earth were you thinking when you were ….? I am sure we wouldn't want our thought life to be known and we need to have control and not just let our thoughts run wild in our mind. Have you ever noticed how that bad news or gossip travels much faster than good news or the truth? It's much easier to remember what a person has done wrong than what they have done good or right. I remember having breakfast with some men one morning when another man that I had some dealings with came up. He had written me some bad checks in the past and when I saw him that is what I remembered most about him. He had just finished a book and had left to go get us a copy. When one of the men at the table said that is awful nice of him to do that and before I knew what I was saying I agreed but also added never take a check from him. Now everyone at the table will not remember him for the kind act he did but what I said. Our thoughts will get us into more trouble than we can get out of. I learned something that day I learned that I had not forgiven him for the way he had wronged me. I should have just kept my mouth shut that day for I would have been much better off and so would everyone else that heard my thoughts that day. I can truthfully say that this was not my mind set that day

Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: No, that wasn't Christ's mind coming out of my mouth that was my mind doing the talking. I would like to leave you with some thoughts.


The greatest Handicap    Fear

The Best Day            Today

Easiest Thing to Do        Find a Fault

Most Useless Asset        Pride

The Greatest Mistake        Giving Up

Greatest Stumbling Block    Egotism

The Greatest Comfort        Work Well Done

Most Disagreeable Person    The Complainer

Worst Bankruptcy        Loss of Enthusiasm

Greatest Need            Common Sense

Meanest Feeling        Regret at Another's Success

Best Gift            Forgiveness

The Greatest Moment     Death

Greatest Knowledge        God

Greatest Thing in the World    Love


As you read the above did you see yourself? If so work on them. Are you quick to give Praise or find Fault? Do you think that tomorrow will be better than today? Our Lord told us to be more concerned about today

Matthew 6:11
Give us this day our daily bread. Not, give us our weekly supply but this day; for that is what we need to be concerned about, Today. Do you find as I did that there are still some things and people you need to forgive? Let Christ's mind dwell in you and who knows what you'll forget.

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