Friday, July 23, 2010


All this week I have been writing about a few that have touched my life in a very powerful way. There was John Baker that impacted my live and taught me to make my own footprints in the snow when others are telling me I can't and my heart is telling me I can. Then Ms. Brooks left me a note in a cemetery that greatly impacted my life by being dead yet speaking. Then the young bag boy who had health problems yet he increased sells by doing his own thinking. On yesterday my oldest son when he said I want to know why it works not just that it works. That helped me in my faith when I don't understand God; knowing He is still in charge not me. Today I would like to close the week by telling you what I heard one night and what I did with what I heard. I want you to see that the Lord has placed others in our lives to help us. I had gone to a revival meeting like I have done many times in the past, but little did I know how the Lord was about to speak to me and do something in my life that I would never forget. The preacher that night preached on those who have touched your life. He gave a challenge to pray and ask the Lord for five people and to call and tell them. To be honest with you I left the meeting that night with no intentions of doing any such thing. As I drove home that night the Lord kept bringing to my mind what I had just heard. I prayed and told the Lord that there were more than five in my life and there was no way that I could call them all. I couldn't get away from those thoughts and I asked the Lord to bring five men into my mind that had touched my life. You know He answered that prayer. On the next day I began to call these men and I told them one by one how and why they had greatly been used of God to touch my life. Before the day was over I had called all these men and told them and thanked each one for living their lives in such a manner that had so greatly influenced my life. It was a great day not only for those men but for me also. We can say kind words at the funeral home to their families or we can tell them personally. I want to do both for they will never know unless we take the time to tell them. Why not this weekend pray and ask the Lord to put someone on your heart and go to them and tell them. If they are far away give them a call. They may need to hear those words themselves and God will use you to encourage someone who has been a great influence in your life.

Isaiah 41:6
They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage.

Isaiah 41:7
So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved. Go encourage someone and by doing that you will be encouraged yourself. See you Monday.

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