Friday, March 25, 2011


I had a wonderful memory on last night; my wife and I went to a revival meeting and as we sat there enjoying the sings and the company of people we were around. My mind went back many years before to another time and place and I began to remember my Pastor of long ago. A man who now has alchemizes disease; his great mind is gone his days of training young preachers has pasted. As I sat there in that Church I remembered the many times he would take me to meetings some small and some large. Everyone knew him and he would introduce me and say kind things about me. He taught me so much about the scriptures, how to build a good library, he would say to me “listen to me son there will come a day when God will put you where He wants you and I want you to be prepared.” He was my Pastor and I respected him greatly for he was one of two men God would use greatly in my life. Last night God brought to my mind of how blessed I was to have a man pour his life into mine and today I am still reaping from the seeds  that God allowed him to place into my life. I have been so blessed and now he is in a home not knowing much of what his life was about ; it’s hard to believe that time passes by so fast. I am thankful that while he could still understand and before that awful disease robbed him of his great mind, that I took the time to go by on more than one occasion and tell him how much God used him in my life. I told him I would hate to know what would have become of me had you not taken the time with me. If it had not been for him there would have been no college education; for he took time out of his busy schedule and took classes with me, what a time we had and I will never forget those days. I took the time this morning to tell you that in hopes that maybe today God will bring someone to your mind that has put time into your life. We don’t know what a day may bring forth 
Proverbs 27:1  Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. So before it’s too late let that person know how much they mean to you. Don’t wait, for one day that person will be gone or in a home somewhere with no memory of you at all. Give the roses while they may be appreciated. Have a great and thankful weekend.

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