Thursday, July 14, 2011

Making A Difference

The richest person in town may not have much money at all.  Remember George Bailey in the Christmas movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life". George never got to travel the world, never became a builder of great cities, he never made a lot of money. It wasn’t until he saw the world without him, courtesy of Angel Second Class Clarence Oddoby, that he realized the impact of his life on others.  At the end of the movie, Harry Bailey, George’s younger brother, raised a glass in the air and said, “Here’s a toast to my big brother, George, the richest man in town.”
Luke 9:24  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. Hold onto your life, you lose it. Give your life away, you find it.  Too many times we're looking for someone to help us instead of someone to help. We're focused on who could meet our needs instead of whose needs we could help meet. And we're miserable. Nobody wants to come to our pity parties, and life looks ugly because we keep looking through a dirty window called "It's all about me."  We may need a new spark, a new spring in our step, with a song on our lips and that my friend might just make an overnight difference in our life. Maybe it's a broken heart, that God has allowed you to overcome; then help someone else with a broken heart. Maybe it was an unforgiving spirit that you were holding on to in your heart and God helped you learn to forgive; then help someone else. Maybe it's a drug addiction, alcohol, pornography or an anger issue, then help someone else.  Find a place where you are needed, where you can pour yourself into someone other than yourself, into something bigger than yourself. When you do, prepare to experience the awesome healing power of making a difference! You may just become the richest man or woman in town.

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