Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Train Whistle

 I read a true story of a young man away at college for his first year. His very first night as he began to fall asleep in his dorm he was suddenly awakened by the sound of a train whistle. It sounded as if it was coming right through his room and as he looked out the window of his dorm he found that the railroad tracks were right next to his room. It was hard to fall asleep at first but as time went on he found that the roaring of the train and its whistle were not even noticed anymore. It’s strange how we can become so accustomed to something that we don’t even know the difference. Could that be said about Christmas? When I was a young boy we sang about Christmas and about the birth of the Savior. There were the songs of Rudolf the red nose reindeer, Jingle bells and a few others but most of the songs were of the Christ of Christmas. Christmas was a time for family; I remember our home was full of family members that I might only see at Christmas time. The cake, the coffee [oh, we kids didn’t get any coffee] but the cakes we ate plenty of. It was an exciting time of the year and it was all based on Jesus and His birth in Bethlehem. Then came the Happy Holidays; sure it was a happy time of the year but it was Christmas. Over the years just like that train and whistle many have just gotten used to the idea and have said to themselves what difference does it really make. Maybe none to some but to me there is a lot of difference between Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Christmas is more of a Holy Day than a holiday. It’s a time of being grateful for what God has given us than just a day away from work. It’s still MERRY CHRISTMAS to me and the whistle and the train is still loud and clear. Thank you Lord for your blessings at this time of year when we can once again think of your love toward us and your great gift to us; Jesus!

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