Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Choice

Abilities we all have them but what does the word “ability” mean? Physical power, whether bodily or mental; natural or acquired; force of understanding; skill in arts or science. Ability is active power, or power to perform; as opposed to capacity, or power to receive. In the plural, abilities is much used in a like sense; and also for faculties of the mind, and acquired qualifications. You may have the ability the play some type of musical instrument; you may have the ability to talk with others as if you have known them all your life. You may have the ability to work with your hands or you may have the ability to notice things others quickly miss. We all have the ability to do different things, we are all different and all have different abilities. The question is are we using the abilities that God has given us or have we let ourselves or others rob us of our ability? One of the first things we must understand is that there is someone who may have the same ability and may be better at using it that we are. If we allow that to hinder our ability just because someone else is better at it then we are then who do we rob? First we rob ourselves then we rob those around us. One day last week I allowed the day to get me discouraged; now I try not to let that happen but on this day it did. That night after I arrived home I told my wife that I was going to just……..(I’m not going to tell you what had me discouraged.) My wife didn’t say anything for a few minutes; she does me that way when I have moments like this. Then she spoke and said “really;” here it comes she is going to be on my side and give me some more good reasons why I should do this. Then came these words, “what about all the people you’ll hurt and discourage with your actions?” No, No, No you don’t understand, this is not what I wanted to hear you say. Then she said “if that’s ok with you then go ahead;” no that’s not ok with me I don’t want to hurt or discourage anyone. Then I thought this is what happens when I or anyone else makes quick decisions, we hurt those we never planned on hurting. What a Blessing I can be today, I have the ability to make a major contribution to someone today.  I have the ability to tell them something I’m grateful for about them. You know we all need someone who will tell us what’s right about us before our funeral. It may be one of the greatest gifts we can give someone, to help them see the masterpiece that God made when He made them. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” You are the only person on earth who can use your ability what will we do with our ability today? Use it or sit on it? It’s our choice. 

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