Monday, April 2, 2012


A parable is a fictitious story about a real truth. As we look at Luke chapter 12 we see that word, parable in verse 16.
Luke 12:16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: Jesus will teach his listeners a fictitious truth on being selfish. What caught my attention was verse 15 the word "beware" which means to be on guard. Take heed and be on guard of a desire for possessions.
Luke 12:15 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Beware of Covetousness; why should we be aware of covetousness? We should be aware of it because it’s a desire for possessions and wealth. Now it's not wrong to have wealth is it? No, but it is wrong to covet.
Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's. As we look on we read
Luke 12:17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
Luke 12:18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
Luke 12:19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, [and] be merry.
How could this be covetousness? Remember that covetousness is a desire for possessions. As we read this fictitious story about a real truth about covetousness.
We see that he thought within himself, he didn't ask God for advice or direction. Notice how much he was self centered by the use of personal pronouns? He said, this will I do: I will pull down my barns: I bestow all my fruits and my goods: I will say to my soul. Covetousness is selfishness, it's thinking that you deserve your neighbors house, it's lusting after your neighbors wife, his car, his job. Thinking you should have it rather than them, that is being selfish. Be on guard against that kind of thinking for it will never have a good ending; what did God have to say about that?
Luke 12:20 But God said unto him, [Thou] fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
We think we are going to be here for a long time, time to spend, time to rest, time to enjoy, time to be merry, but in reality we do not know when our soul will be required, be careful of being selfish!
Mark 8:36  For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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