Thursday, May 10, 2012


In the day that you and I live in we are told we are to exercise so we can be in better physical condition. There's not a day that goes by that we don't see someone running, walking, hiking, biking, going to the gym, or working out with trainers. The purpose of the exercise is to lose weight and build up our weak bodies which in turn will help with the stress in our life. It will help us mentally, improve our looks and make us a better person to be around. There is nothing wrong with doing all that exercising, it will not hurt us, matter of fact it will do us good. But then here’s a verse that would cause us to maybe question why are we doing all this exercising?
  1 Timothy 4:8  For bodily exercise profiteth little: What! Exercise profit little; if exercise does us no good then why waste our time. Wait, wait, that's not what is being said. It says that exercise has little profit. You might say oh no I have lost 40, 60 even 100 lbs or my mind is clearer than it’s ever been because of my commitment to my exercise program. Without doubt all those things are true; we are not being told not to exercise I assure you. We could all use some exercise. When we read the rest of the verse it becomes very clear what we are being taught, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
In comparison godliness verses bodily exercise godliness is much more profitable because it has the promise of life now and for eternity. We need to exercise, but we need to read and study our bibles so that our relationship with our heavenly Father will be built up, for it will give us daily strength how to handle our day to day struggles. If we want to be able to endure the race of life, then knowing God is a must.

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