Friday, September 21, 2012


Yesterday started off like most days, in a hurry to get to my first appointment. When I arrived I was a few minutes late, but that was alright for someone had not gotten up yet. I hurried with my work for another appointment awaited me with an hour drive ahead of me. I had prayed that morning and asked God to use me to encourage someone who was in need of a touch from our heavenly Father. The business man was coming out the door when he made his way over to where I was. We made some small talk and then we started talking. He began to tell me about some troubles he was having. I told him that I had a friend that was in the same business and that he should call him for I knew that he would love to give him some advice. The man had a kind heart and wanted to treat people right but as it happens so many times people seem to take advantage of a good hearted person. I told him that my friend had had the same problem and we had just talked about it earlier in the week and I told him what he told me. That is when he looked up at me and said God just used you for you are the third person that has told me the same thing using the same words. He began to talk to me and opened up. I told him that I had just read a book on leadership and to me it has been the best book I think I have ever read. I began to tell him about what the author had said and the examples that he had used. We talked for over an hour and when he was leaving I still had about 20 minutes of work to get done. I felt I needed to pray with him so I asked him if I could pray with him before he went to work. He said please do, so right there in his driveway I prayed with him. I told you all that for I believe that every day God has an appointment for me I don’t know with whom or where or what time but I must be ready to recognize the appointment and take the time and allow God to work through me. Sometimes it’s a morning appointment, other times it’s an afternoon appointment and at other times it is evening or late night appointments. Sometimes they are like yesterday morning easy to recognize at other times they are so small that I have to look back over my day to see when and where they were. I am convinced that God wants to use me in the lives of others and I want Him too. God’s not looking for the brightest light on the tree He’s looking for those who want to be used. We can come up with one excuse after another for what we don’t have; I don’t have a college education you might say. I am glad Peter didn’t think like that. You say I’m not trained. I am glad the woman that Jesus met at the well didn’t have that attitude. I have never had anybody say to me when I asked if I could pray with them, have you been trained or what college did you attend? No, not one, ever! Jesus talked about compelling people to come in that his house might be full. He talked about charity and how that charity would suffer long and how it was kind and that it showed no envy. I don’t know about you but I’m already excited about tomorrow; Stop, Look and Listen to those around you and let God use you in the lives of others.
P.S. Next week I will be in Rockford Illinois at the Reformer Unanimous conference. I will not be writing any blogs next week. Please pray that God will help my wife and me as well as our assistance director and his wife become better equipped for the work God has called us to do.

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