Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Yesterday, late in the afternoon, I noticed a rainbow and I remembered a childhood experience. When I was a young boy I always heard that there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. One day after a small rain as I was returning home from a childhood adventure I noticed a rainbow. It looked like the end was just inside a patch of woods so I quickly decided to go check it out. As I walked toward that rainbow's end I noticed I could not quite see the end but none the less I headed in that direction. The thoughts of joy filled my mind at how proud my Mom and Dad would be when I would get to the front door and I finally say "would someone please come help me with this pot of gold please." As I got into that patch of woods the end of that rainbow moved.  Not far just a little bit but once again the end could not be seen. None the less I headed once again toward the end until the rainbow finally dissipated and there were no more rainbows, no end and no pot of gold. Go ahead and laugh because as I thought about that day I too laughed. That's fine for a childhood experience but if I were to do that as an adult you would think I was a nut and rightly so.  I'm afraid that there are too many adults that have childish adulthood experiences. What is that you may ask? The Bible says this in:
1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. When I was child I talked as a child and I had rainbow experiences because I thought as a child. When I became an adult I should have put childish things away. Unfortunately now I find myself chasing after dreams that seem as real as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and just about the time I get to them they diminish. It’s the new job, the bigger pay check or the promotion. Just like that pot of gold that I thought would have made my Mom and Dad happy that I was chasing after. What I failed to realize was that my Mon and Dad were already happy with me and the pot of gold would not have made them love or like me anymore. That is the same with our Heavenly Father He’s not going to love you or me more because we do bigger and greater things. Have a big pay check or are the President of the company, no He just loves His children. We can never win His love by what we do; a pot of gold will not cause Him to love you and me any more. Just like when I was a child I would have been in a real mess without my Mom and Dad and a pot of gold was nothing. So it is with you and I we would be in a real mess without our Heavenly Father and nothing could or should take His place. So today just enjoy the love from our Heavenly Father for He really does love His children. 

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