Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It was a day that I was with my mother in this department store; she was shopping when something caught my eye. I began to pay more attention to it than where my mother was. Why she was just right over there or so I thought. When I went to where I thought she was she was gone. Fear gripped my heart so I began to look for her not realizing I was moving in the wrong direction. Some predicament I have gotten myself into, it wasn’t long before the tears came and the look on my face must have been noticeable for another adult soon asked me if I had lost my mother. She knew exactly what to do and went right to a sales person and asked for her help. The sales person asked me what my name was and then she spoke it into the loud speaker and told my mother where she could find me. Soon my mother came to get me; boy was I glad to see her. With that little adventure of mine I would like to share with you 5-things about being lost.
First, being lost can be a really frightening thing to those who suddenly realize just how lost they truly are. I wasn’t frightened until I realized I was lost.
Second, somebody somewhere needs to hear the cries of those who are lost and crying out for help. I wonder how many I pass by each day that need my help and are crying for it?
Third, upon hearing those cries, somebody needs to do something to help those that are crying even when it doesn't fit into their plans for the day.
Fourth, getting on their level and speaking in words they can understand is vital if one is serious about bringing the lost back to the father.  My Sunday School Teacher said that in our class not long ago; “meet them where they are at and take them to where they need to go.”
fifth, delivering them safe and secure in the father's presence is the goal. Our task isn't over until that has occurred. Or in my case mother! I’m glad someone saw and heard my cry then responded to my need. I believe that every day God has an appointment for me the problem is I don’t know who it is with neither do I know what time of day it is. I just know that somewhere God has someone that needs His help and He is going to use me. My job is to be on the outlook for those He sends my way. Heard any crying lately? It’s just outside your door. Listen for a minute; you'll hear it.

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