Monday, June 7, 2010


I read a story about two school mates who were reminiscing about their athletic bloopers. Do you remember the time you let the ball slip out of your glove and allowed the winning run to score? And then there was the night that Brian Allgood scored a touchdown on an 80 yard pun only to have it called back because you got penalized for clipping. You know it is bad to lose; it's even worse to help your opponent win! If you can I want you to imagine how silly Satan must feel. Ever notice that when he sets out to score one for evil, he ends up scoring a point for good.

Abraham's Wife Sara-- God promised her a child, but she remained childless for a while. Satan used an empty crib to stir up tension, dissension and doubt. But at 90 years of age Sara bore a baby and called his name Isaac. What seemed humanly impossible came to pass.

Moses-- Satan delighted the day he ran out of Egypt. He thought he had derailed God's plan, when actually he played into God's hand. God used this time in the wilderness to train Moses and 40 years later Moses stood before Pharaoh who'd learned to listen to God and survive in the desert.

Daniel-- Jerusalem's best young men being led into captivity looked as a victory for Satan. Hell's strategy was to isolate the godly young men. What Satan intended as captivity, God used for royalty. Daniel was soon asked to serve in the king's court. The very man Satan sought to silence spent most of his life praying to the God of Israel and advising the kings of Babylon.

Paul-- Satan hoped the prison would silence his pulpit, and it did, but it also unleashed his pen. Letters to Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians were all written in a jail cell. Can't you see Satan kicking the dirt every time a person reads those Epistles? He helped write them!

Peter-- Satan sought to discredit Jesus by provoking Peter to deny him. But the plan backfired. Rather than be an example of how far a fellow can fall, Peter became an example of how far God's grace extends. Every time Satan scores a touchdown the other team gets the point. So when the enemy is working hard on showing you have failed maybe he has just helped score a point for the winning team; God's team. So as we start this week together remember who is in control of your week, not you, not the enemy but God so be sure to give Him the Praise. I feel it's going to be a great week so get excited.

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