Thursday, July 6, 2017

Quick Words

Proverbs 6:2
Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
Two things caught my attention.
#1- Words.  "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth"
SNARE "unexpected danger" have you ever found yourself caught in an unexpected danger because of your kindness to another? Only to find yourself in a somewhat called trap, that's not easy to escape from. Words you meant for good to help another in time of need now have you bound and you can't escape.
#2- Mouth.  "Taken with the words of thy mouth."
Those words flowed so easily out of your mouth now you find yourself caught in a net held fast.

When I read that verse I think of maybe going along side of someone buying something. Now you have confidence that this friend will pay their debt, I mean to the point if they don't I will, never expecting them not to do what they said they would do. Only to find out they didn't and now you are stuck with paying, now it's your word on the line. But I could use my words in a different way. A friend or family member could call and ask me to do something for them and I could give a quick answer. But after thinking on that for a while decide that this would not be in my best interest. What do you do?  Go back to your friend or family member and humble yourself, apologize for your quick answer and asked to be released and forgiven. It's a snare that caught you unexpectedly and a net of your on making that you are not easily released from. That's why it's best sometimes to say "let me pray about this." Pray about it and let the Lord give you the correct answer. If I do that relationships are not broken, feeling are not hurt and wrong decisions aren't made. 

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