Thursday, April 9, 2009


I love to dream, I've always dreamed and without dreams my life would be boring; at lease to me it would. Many times I'll tell my wife what I am dreaming. I have always loved airplanes and love to fly. In 1968 I joined the Air Force and was able to go and fly places I'll never see again. I love to hear them and could watch planes for hours on end. As we were going by a local airfield one day I looked over to my wife and said "one day I will have my own plane," to which she said "keep dreaming." That's what I do dream and because I dream I have seen some of them come true. The Bible is full of those who dreamed. There was a teenage shepherd who dreamed he could do what the army was afraid too. You may have heard of him, David the giant slayer. I dream of what it will be like when I see Jesus the one who died for me. What will be my first words to Him? What will He really look like! I am closer to that day than ever before and some days I dream that this could be the day. My friends are leaving one by one. I went by the grave yard the other day and read what my friend who went to be with the Lord on December 6, 2006 had put on his tombstone. I had heard him say it a 1000 times and it is so true what he said, simple words with a power meaning "you need to be ready because you just don't know."As we approach the celebration of the greatest day in history, Easter. My mind will go to Calvary the place where He laid His life down; but as the Preacher said in his message "it's Friday, but Sunday's coming!" Friday it looked like He had lost, but it's not Sunday yet. On Sunday the stone would be rolled away not to let Him out but to let us in. He who was dead is now alive and walking and talking, what a day that must have been. He meets with Mary at the grave site then with those two who were on their way home from Jerusalem so discouraged. The greatest day in history and Jesus takes time out of His busy day to encourage them. So when I'm discouraged, I can be assured He will encourage me. I have shared with you some of my dreams now think what do you dream about? It's not wrong to dream about things you may never have or accomplish. You see my wife is right I will never have my own plane, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming. Who knows, God may send me a friend that has a plane and will ask me to fly with him because his wife doesn't like flying. Just because you rain on my dreams doesn't mean I have to quit dreaming.


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