Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Crash Landing

If you have been on an airplane, before you take off the stewardess will explain what to do in case of an emergency. I noticed one day as I was flying to a Reformers Conference in Illinois that no one was paying her any attention. I love it when the plane races down the run way and then up you go. But what if as the plane left the ground and suddenly there is a loud noise! Then the stewardess suddenly announces that we had blown a rear tire on takeoff and we were heading back to Atlanta. Then she said we will be circling the Atlanta airport for about 45 minutes or so, to burn up as much fuel as possible as we may have to prepare for a crash landing. Do what? Burn up as much fuel as possible; crash landing. I must say that would be a bad situation to be involved in, to say the least. Then the stewardess says "this time I want you to really listen to what I am about to explain to you." The emergency instruction card is in the pocket in front of you. Please take it out and follow me as I explain it to you once again! Let me ask you a question, do you think you would pay attention to her this time? If I could read your mind, I think you are saying "I sure would." What made the difference this time? Would it be that CRASH LANDING she was talking about? There is not a one of us reading these lines that wouldn't be following and asking questions. I don't think we would be neglecting to listen. But as I was thinking about the many that were paying little or no attention to what the stewardess was saying when all looked good, suddenly got real interested when danger presented itself. As you and I go through this life we have heard more than once about Jesus and words like salvation and being saved but we may be like many who fly, we just don't pay that much attention to what is being said because it just doesn't seem that important at the moment. Well, one day what we have neglected because we didn't think it was important at the time. Notice I said "important at the time." I didn't say we didn't think it was important we just tell ourselves we have heard it before and if something goes wrong someone like the stewardess will be there to explain it again and you can count on me listening then. Wait, Wait, Wait a minute we are not talking about an airplane and a crash landing with hope of you walking away! I am talking about neglecting. Webster says to neglect is to omit to receive or embrace.
Hebrews 2:3
How shall we escape, (punishment) if we neglect so great salvation; (if we reject the important message) which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
Sorry there is no escape if we omit to receive. My hope and prayer is that you will not put if off until it's too late, escape while you can. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart today without delay. I did and He came in; no, I'm not perfect just forgiven.

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