Friday, April 17, 2009

A Smiling Face

Have you ever been at the right place at the right time? Well Thursday morning I was. I had just finished getting gas and was on my way back to my truck when I saw a hand waving. I looked to see who it was, yes I knew this woman with a smiling face. I spoke to her and then she handed me some Chick-fil-A sandwich guest cards and said have a great day. Little did she know that I had just left home in a hurry. I had tried to do too many things in too short of time and was running a little behind. I grabbed two slices of bread and cut some cheese and made; I guess a cheese sandwich. Off to work I went when God sent this nice lady by so I would have lunch. Right place right time! Now she didn't know in my front seat was a quickly made sandwich which would not be too tasty in about four hours, if it was even tasty then. I love it when God sends His children by to help His children; don't you? I thought about other times I had been at the right place at the right time. December 31, 1969 I was home on leave. It was at a New Years Eve party; probably shouldn't have been there but I'm sure glad I was. For that is when and where I met the love of my life. We have been together over 39 years now. Right Place right time! Another time I was in the right place was in April of 1973. This time it was in a Church, I had promised a man I worked with that if he would just be quiet I would go to Church Sunday Morning. He did and I did! But that day little did I know that God was going to deal with my heart. On that Sunday morning in April of 1973 I asked the Lord to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart; and He did. Right place Right time! How about you? Today why don't you just stop for a few minutes and think about the places you have been in at the right time. Think about the people God brings into your life. Now think about those that God allows you to make contact with. Have you had kind words to say? Oh you may not have a Chick-fil- A Guest card to give them but those kind words will not cost you a dime and they may just mean the world to the one who hears them. Now go make someone day.

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