Friday, March 12, 2010


Have you ever gone to a college graduation? Most of the time they will have a person who has graduated from that college who has become successful and they will give a speech of what part that college played in them becoming so successful. I wonder if they would have us to believe that most everyone who goes to that college will become successful. So let's ask ourselves what is being successful? Is success found in our work? Is it found in our Schools? Maybe it is found in sports? So if I am going to successful it has to come from where I graduated from, was I top in my business field and do all successful people either play, watch or are involved in sports? Most of us want to be successful so we listen to those who market success on radio and TV. We receive a steady diet of products that claim instant success in everything from weight loss to financial freedom. You have heard it "My name is Bob I was broke, without a place to live, no money to my name then one day I met Mike who told me of this great plan. He told me that if I would get only 4 people to sign up and they were to get 4 and those were to get 4 and those were to get 4 I would be set financially for the rest of my life." Bob did just that and now all he does is sail around the world enjoying life. Hey I am enjoying life; does that count? No! I am not financially secure and no I didn't get 4 who got 4 who got 4 who got 4. Yet I'm happy; how strange. So how can I count myself as being successful and still have bills that I struggle to pay; problems that I can't solve; people I can't please and a vacation I can't afford. First, I must define what success is; in these verses see if you can tell which ones we would call successful. Matthew 25:1
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

Matthew 25:2
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
From the start we are told that there were 10 virgins, but there was a difference 5 wise 5 foolish. We were not told if they had called 4 who called 4 we aren't told anything that they had or didn't have except for one thing; oil. Five had oil and five had not oil; that oil is the only thing that separated them; the only thing that made the difference; the only thing that mattered was oil. Did the foolish only take oil for the present and none for the future? That's foolish! So I have plenty for today or even my whole life span but have none for the future or should I say eternity. Notice what was said

Matthew 25:3
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

Matthew 25:4
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
As we read farther we find that they all slumbered and slept but at midnight there was a cry made "the bridegroom is coming go out and meet him? All ten got up trimmed their lamps and oh no there were five that had no oil and their lamps had gone out for they had no more oil. So they asked the wise to give them some of their oil but soon found out that they only had enough for themselves and the foolish were told to go buy some. While they were gone something important happened.

Matthew 25:10
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Then we are told

Matthew 25:13
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Are you wise or are you foolish? Just because you are financially secure doesn't mean you're ready; for that's just enough oil for the present. I am talking about when death knocks on your door do you have something more in you vessel? Sure I am a good person, go to church, that's not enough, you are not ready; you need more than that. You are set for here and not ready for eternity. Two things are ahead of us all, Death or the return of Jesus Christ and we know the time of neither. Can you say I am ready? If you can't let me help you, email me at and we'll talk. Have a great weekend and as always let's meet together somewhere in Church this Sunday. See you Monday!

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