Monday, May 31, 2010

Brother’s Keeper

I can remember it like it was yesterday. We had just come back from our daily actives running, training, tracking and being yelled at. We were told to come to attention and there we stood or most of us or should I say all of us but one soldier. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye the drill sergeant moving in a rapid motion in my direction; I thought to myself what in the world had I done. Well, I guess I am about to find out. But no, the drill sergeant passed by me and went to the soldier next to me. What he said or yelled at him changed the way I would think forever. He said "Thank you soldier for getting us all blown up." What could that soldier have possibly done to endanger the whole squad? The young man had reached up and scratched his nose. Then our drill sergeant explained himself; he said "You do something stupid like that in a rice paddy when you get to Vietnam; the enemy sees you and we are all going to be blown up." Then I realized it does not matter how well you do with your M-16 on the rifle range; the rifle range doesn't shoot back. It also does not matter how fit your body is, how well you are armed or how well you think you are hid if I or anyone else gives our location away we are all in danger. We are our brother's keeper. Genesis 4:9
And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? This Memorial Day you may not have spent any time in the Military at all and that's ok. But take the time to be thankful to those who have and for those who gave their lives that you and I could enjoy the country we live in. For we are truly our brothers keepers! Also be thankful for those who gave it all. I went by the grave of my hero last week Wayne J. Stokes and spent some time for I am grateful for him; he gave his life. On December 2, 1967 after being in Vietnam only 10 days he was killed in action. I left there and saw another grave marker of another young man I didn't know him or anything about him but his marker told his story! Born 1951 died 1969 and then the word "Vietnam"; another which gave it all. There were many who went into combat expecting to return; you know like the John Wayne movies. But many never returned and today we should be thankful for their great sacrifice. There has only been one who came to this earth knowing He would die and that was Jesus Christ as the song says "do you know Him." Let us not forget the ones who served and those who gave it all.


U. S. Army PFC Wayne J Stokes KIA 2 December 1967

U.S. Marine Thomas Craig Richard Jr. PFC KIA 8 February 1968

U.S. Army Neil Kroger KIA November 1965

U. S Army Tom Metsker KIA 14 November 1965

U. S Army Jack Geoghegan KIA

U. S Army Phillip Nixon

U.S. Army Stanley DeCastor

U.S. Army Jimmy Johnson

U.S. Army Jerry Pinson

U.S. Marine David Savage

USAF Richard Ford

USAF Thomas Burns

USAF Ronald Lamp

USAF Randy Fawn

USAF Wayne S Sosebee


Army Air Force John H Sosebee WII Thanks Dad Passed away December 27, 1986 age 65

U.S. Marine Thomas Henry Roberts I knew him well; we all thought he was strange when we were kids. Then I found out why! He was a Corporal in the Marine Corps, serving as a Rifle Sharpshooter and member of the Mortar Platoon a survivor of Iwo Jima. He passed away July 14, 2007 at the age of 86.


Please pray for our Military they need our prayers. God Bless You! Enjoy this Memorial Day for freedom has a price, it's not free.

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