Monday, October 11, 2010


The 911 call came in; a person is in distress and is in need of desperate help. Some EMT employees jump into a vehicle and head for the address that was given them by another person. As they arrive at the address they rush to the person in need and began to administer oxygen and an IV is placed into their arm. Another runs with a board so that the one who was in need could be properly placed onto it so that there will be no further damage. They are all dressed in a uniform that they keep clean but they are not in the uniform business yet they all have one on. They drive a box type truck but they are not in the trucking busy. They use oxygen and medical instruments and supplies but they are not in the selling or supplying of medical equipment. They are in the life saving business and although they use all the other things their main goal is the saving of lives. This last Friday night a group of men and women came together to ask God to bless a Thrift Store that would be opening up the next morning. As the President of the corporation stood before that crowd of people he made this statement “I want you to know tonight that we are not in the Thrift Store business but we are in the life changing, people restoring and reaching souls for Jesus Christ business.” “The Thrift Store is a vehicle that will be used to open two separate homes that will house men and one that will house women who cannot get off Drugs and or Alcohol.” There they will be placed in a program that will teach them how to overcome their strongholds through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You might say “Oh no there is no overcoming those strongholds. If not then what are we being taught in 2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; (the old way of living has disappeared) behold, all things are become new. (A new way of living has come into existence.) You see there will be a Thrift Store but like the EMT’s that rode in a box truck looking vehicle our main goal is not the Thrift Store but only the vehicle to get us to the place where we can help those who are in desperate need of help. The name of the Store is The Scarlet Thread Thrift Store under the leadership of the Scarlet Thread Ministries in Loganville Georgia which is out of the Leadership of Victory Baptist Church where Pastor Derik Lawrence is the Pastor. We thank you for your Prayers, your Purchases as well as your Donations which in return will change the lives of so many who without your prayers and help would never know real Victory. Why do we need such a place in this area? Here are just a few of the reasons.
23 Million Americans Battle with Addictions every day and lose
2 Million people will begin abusing prescription drugs this year
10 % of America’s youth abuse drugs on a Regular basis
30% of youth under 21 have used alcohol in the last year
31% of Fundamental Pastors admit to viewing internet pornography in the last year
69% of Christian school students forsake their faith after graduation

These numbers are overwhelming and it’s time to step up to the plate and do something!
Our life will soon be gone and part of the poem written by C. T. Studd rings in my head.
“Two little lines I heard one day, Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

As we begin this week let us be thankful for the help others have given to us so that we might know real freedom.

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