Friday, August 26, 2011

10 Million

I am writing about something I know very little about; you may know more. Anyways; when I go into a convenience store sometimes there is a long line and I see people buying lotto cards and tickets hoping to win millions. Oh, I know what they say “can’t win if you don’t play” and that is true but if you don’t play you can’t lose either. I remember one time at a meeting there was a booth giving away lotto tickets and they gave me one. So I took a coin and rubbed the silver whatever off and low and behold I had won a whopping $2.00. Now I wasn’t going to cash it in but I gave it to another person and they wanted nothing to do with it. So I inquired why not? Then they told me that at one time they would go to the convenience store and spend their whole pay check on those cards and they were not about to have anything to do with that again; the cost was too great. Here was a young man that knew that the cost was too much. Then I read what others would be willing to do for 10 million dollars and couldn’t believe what I was reading! Some said for that kind of money they would abandon their family. Some women said that they would become a prostitute for a week. Others said they would give up their American citizenship and others said they would leave their spouse. For 10 million dollars is that all one thinks of their family, their relationship with their mate?  Greed is not defined by what something cost; it’s measured by what it costs you.  Remember the farmer in Luke Chapter 12 when he came into plenty the first words revealed what was in his heart
Luke 12:17 And he thought within himself, saying, what shall I do,
This man’s sin was not that he planned for the future. His sin was that his plans did not include God in the future. This rich man was aggressively self-centered; his world was fenced in by himself. He was blind and he didn’t see God. He didn’t see others and he saw only self. Here we see a man that had enough sense to acquire wealth but not enough to get ready for eternity. God is not keeping the future a secret. One look at a cemetery and it should remind us that everyone dies. One visit to a funeral should convince us we don’t take anything with us; I have yet to see a hearse pulling a U-Haul. Every day and we get just a little closer to the cemetery. My how time flies it seems like yesterday that I was changing diapers! Now our oldest son has two children and my daughter has 3 and in the past few weeks has become a grandmother herself. Is that the tombstone man pulling up in the driveway?  You know what; I have the same promise that the Apostle Paul had
Philippians 1:23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Paul says to be with Christ is far better. One day it will be the last and the only thing that will matter on that day is do I know Jesus Christ as my Savior. Let me answer that for myself. YES, I DO; how about you? 

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