Monday, November 1, 2010

Making a Difference

There have been a few men that have touched the clay in my life. One of these men was a man named Steve Currington. He was founder and President of Reformer Unanimous Addiction Program. Not only was he president of a great organization but a man who cared deeply about others and helped so many who were struggling with an addiction. I saw him at the first of October, heard him teach and preach and was encouraged again by this great man of God. The last book he would ever write was dedicated to his lovely wife Lori and the words he spoke of her that night were words of love and compassion for the woman he loved deeply. It will be a long time before I forget that night and the words he spoke. Steve Curington was not only President of the fastest growing addiction program in the United States but he was a man that was also approachable. Many times when a man becomes President of such an organization they just don’t have time for many. But this was not the case with Steve Curington I had his cell number programmed in my phone and when I would talk to him he knew who I was by name. He so impacted my life with his books, testimony and personal appearance, I remember a few years ago we spent some time together over a period of a few days; we laughed and cut up with each other as we enjoyed each other’s company. This past Saturday night I received a phone call and as I answered a very familiar voice of a man that helps me in our addictions program told me the awful news. He said about 2 and ½ hours ago Steve Curington had a massive heart attack and went home to be with the Lord. I was shocked to say the least; it didn’t seem real and I wanted it not to be real. I was hoping that someone had started a cruel joke and I would hear later that all was well. I mean, he is only 45 years old this can’t be real. Unfortunately I found out that the phone call I received was the truth. My heart as well as many other of the RU nation has been saddened greatly because of this news. May I leave you with this one thought, it matters not how old you are or how young you are; it matters not how important or unimportant you may think you are; just remember God knows what He is doing and we must trust Him in all things.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Brother Steve Curington has gone on to his rewards and one day we too will follow, are you ready for that day?
"When the time comes for you to die, you need not be afraid, because death cannot separate you from God's love."

P.S Please pray for Steve’s wife Lori and their 5-children in the days and weeks to follow.

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