Friday, November 4, 2011


Remember when we had to take our pictures somewhere to have them developed? That was something we did way back when, now we can send picture across the internet we can see then as soon as we take them; we’ve came along way. If something back then went wrong like the picture for whatever reason got undeveloped that would be a real lost. I am afraid that now we are seeing and witnessing some underdeveloped Christians. They never experience what they could have experienced they always miss God's best. They are choked by worries, anxieties, things they're afraid of. They're choked by chasing what money can buy. They're choked by focusing their energies on their own pleasure, their own feeling good. They find themselves in a self made forest looking for a way out but blurred by their underdeveloped Christian life. They get undeveloped because they're just not hungry for the Bible any more. They're not hungry for time with Jesus. They're not hungry for church; for spiritual input; for Christian fellowship. They used to have an appetite, where did it go? It could be and unbalanced interest or a concern has taken over and crowded out any room for God’s Word in their life. It could be a hobby that has taken over, it could be the television or the internet. That’s what happened to Thomas, you see he got involved in something and missed meeting with his Christian brothers and because of whatever got his attention he missed seeing Jesus.
John 20:24  But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. An unbalanced interest or concern took precedence and Thomas was not where he should have been on that Sunday night. Have you missed a Sunday night service?  Maybe a Wednesday night? It could have been one that you needed to be there for but you thought something was far more important. That’s how people get undeveloped by not reading their Bibles, not praying; my Pastor said something about prayer this past Wednesday night that I really needed to hear he said “the person with no prayer list has no means of keeping up with what they are praying for. “ My friend that was worth the trip and the time for me to be there just to hear that because that developed me just a little bit more. Do you have a spiritual appetite problem? Could it be all that junk food that’s filling you up? Developing takes time and spending time with the Lord is priceless. I hope you have a great weekend and don’t rob yourself of a blessing that God may have just for you by not showing up at Church this Sunday. 

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