Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I noticed in a store some coupons on their counter. There was a ticket to an Expo that cost $10.00; the good news is someone has already paid the $10.00 so it's free. Then there was a card that read free ticket, it was a tract that explained how one might know how to get to heaven. The last one was a buy one get one free to Six Flags over Georgia. As I looked at those thickets I noticed something; you see the ticket to the Expo although it was free required you to do something you might not really want to do. Would you have a good time? Sure, but it requires you to be there on a certain day and it is only for a 5 hour period. Now the free tract that tells you how you can go to heaven; few if any were taken. Now the one that was almost gone was the buy one get one free ticket to the amusement park. What did I learn from those tickets about people?  I think I learned a lot. First of all I don’t know any of the people that took one of those tickets nor did I see anybody pick one up. This is what I know by what was left. It tells me that people don’t like to have to be somewhere at a certain time. It’s like telling someone they have to. Then there was the tract that explained about how one can go to heaven most are not interested for they think that death is a long ways a way and they have plenty of time to make that decision. Now the tickets to Six Flags they cost $54.99 at the gate and then there the parking fee of $15.00. For two people to go to the park the total cost would be 69.99.  Instead of getting something for free most people would rather spend about $70.00 to have a good time. Ok, salvation is a gift bought and paid for by Jesus Christ and He is willing and wanting to give it to anyone who will receive it.
Romans 6:23 ….. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. A gift, what a wonderful word Webster says it means; A present; anything given or bestowed; any- thing, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; 
A gift is something given by one and received by another. This is a no brainer to me; except the gift God has for us that will last for eternity or pick up a ticket that will cost us $69.99 for one day of excitement. One hundred years from today we will not remember the day of fun on the roller coaster but if we accept the gift of God we will and we’ll be glad we made the right choice. 

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