Friday, June 7, 2024

What RU Doing Today? ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿฆฐ๐Ÿ“

I lost and I don’t like to lose. Lose what? Freedom! Yes I have freedom to make right or wrong choices. Making right choices brings right results but making bad choices brings bad results. We have all made bad or wrong choices. Maybe a bad choice in the stock market or bad choice when choosing a friend. Maybe you put trust in someone and it turned out to be a bad choice. Oh we have all made those kinds.“TEMPTATIONS” come, you know what a temptation is don’t you? It is where we have a weak point or moment. Webster says that a temptation is “The state of being tempted or enticed to evil by human weakness.

James 1:14 (KJV) But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

Hebrews 12:1 (KJV) Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Temptation is drawing our attention to something or someone we are weak in or toward(enticed) The answer to such temptation is to lay aside the weight or things that so easily draws us to it. But that’s not that easy. We all know that. So what’s the answer? Well, there’s no easy answer. If you look at it as I have had this problem for many years and to be honest I have said this more than once I’m done. Only to find myself right back doing what I promised I wasn’t going to do. It matters not what your weak points are, it's all the same. Losing weight, wanting to stop smoking, dipping, chewing, drugs, alcohol, pornography, wrongful sexual relationships, gambling, anger, it does matter, they are all weak points. These are just a few, there's more and then there’s more and then there’s yours! So how do I do this? Do I hide it and get with those who understand. I always tell others “I don’t know how you feel but I have experienced some of the things you have I’m sure.” The runner in the race does win by himself. Oh no he had a coach, do you? He did what the coach said even though he didn’t want to nor feel like it. You want either. Let me ask you a question. How many days do you think it will take you? If you answered more than one you answered wrong. Let me explain the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Thinking about the journey won’t get you there, hoping and dreaming won’t either. Yesterday, well it’s gone, tomorrow well, it never comes so all you have is today. Jesus taught us that. Matthew 6:11 (KJV) Give us this day(Today)our daily bread. Give us this day! Today, is what is important for if you don’t get it today what makes you think you’ll get it another day. No! Fight today's battles today, do today's workouts today. Work at building a better life today, for yourself not for others. The others in your life will benefit by what you do today. What are you doing today????

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