Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Know Little, ๐Ÿ˜ฐ Know Much ๐Ÿง

Hebrews 10:30 (KJV) For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

One may know facts about a person like their birthday, where they went to school, their favorite restaurant, and many other details about them. But that doesn’t mean you know them, you just know about them. How does someone get to KNOW another? The answer I would say would be TIME the more time you spend with them the better you know them. When we read these words “For we know him” we have to know whom the personal pronoun “him” is speaking about. So we read on and it is made clear that the pronoun “him” is “the Lord.” Now we ask this question: do we KNOW the Lord? Or do we just KNOW about HIm? The answer is to KNOW Him we must spend time with the Lord. How much time we spend with the Lord will determine how well we Know Him. I don't think any of us spend too much time with the Lord. It's spending little to no time with the Lord, that’s our problem. Do we read our Bible? The answer may be I can’t understand it. Now that’s a cheap answer, there's a lot of things we didn’t understand but now we do understand. How is that? Maybe because we wanted to understand and put the time in. I have put in over 1800 days learning the Spanish language. Day after day I work at it. Learning words, phrases, how to pronรบnciate, and how to spell. Well let me say if you and I were to be dropped off where they only spoke Spanish I’m not sure I would be much help to either of us. Why don’t I just quit working at it? You might ask if you don’t understand Spanish. Great question. But if I quit I will never learn and what I have learned will fade away. I am reminded of this phrase that  Vince Lombardi said “quitters never win and winners never quit.” One last thing I would say I don’t know everything I need to know about the Lord; that’s impossible I would say. Neither would I say I know everything about my wife, whom I love dearly. But what I do KNOW is that I know her so well that if she is in a large crowd of people I can pick her out. I know her voice so well that if I were to hear her without seeing her I would know it was her. I said that to say that I don’t know all I need and want  to know about the Lord. But when I get to heaven I believe I know the Lord enough that I won’t have any trouble picking Him out in the crowd.

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