Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Whose Life Have 🫡 Influenced?

Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

We are about to read about great faith. Verse 38 in chapter 10 says this  Hebrews 10:38 (KJV) Now the just shall live by faith: The just shall live by faith. Chapter 11 we will see faith in action. We are first told what faith is “faith is the substance of things hoped for” the word “substance” Webster says ”that which really is or exists” another word would be confindance. Now faith is that which really exists. Then we read “of things not seen” but even though it is not seen we are told “the evidence” evidence is that which enables the mind to see truth. Let’s put this verse together. Now faith is the confidence that really exists of the things we can’t see but the evidence of the truth is clearly seen. In my house running in every wall and ceiling there is a power I can’t see. But there is evidence that it’s there and I see the evidence every time I turn on a light. Not only that, although I can’t see it if I touch it, the evidence is there because I can feel it. Same is true about our faith in Jesus Christ. It takes faith to trust Him, as we will read about these great people of faith that are in this chapter. Some walked into great danger and walked out, others walked into great danger and didn’t. We all like winners, the Noah’s, the Abraham’s, the Moses's. We love to read about the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace who walked out because of their great faith. But then there’s the Job’s who had great faith but things turned out much differently for them. Here is what I think is so hard for many who have placed their trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Too many times we are looking to be great overcomers in this life when this life is not where we will live for eternity. Faith takes us way beyond this life we are living and gives us the confidence of the life we will live for eternity. Maybe you are like me. The closer I get to the end of this life, the more I want to stay because of those I love. It’s not the richest of this world, the bank account, the 401 k or anything else of value. The most valuable things in this life are not in the bank or stock market. My father n law was one of the best men I ever knew. He had an impact on so many. When he died I couldn’t believe all those that came to the funeral home to pay their respects. He had an impact on the young but wait they aren’t young anymore they are in their 60’s now. His impact in their lives lasted over 40 years, now that’s impacting a life. They came one by one to pay their respects to a man who had somehow and in some way touched their lives. Let me say this: we all impact others for the good or the bad. Where am I influencing others? What are they hearing me say? Where are they seeing me go? Who are my friends? How am I influencing those in my family? My children? My grandchildren? Those I work with and are around? Whose life have I had an influence on?

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