Friday, August 30, 2024

It’s Not Yours 😩

 Hebrews 11:11 (KJV) Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

There is a word that caught my attention immediately. It was the word “Through” that interested me. If you take the time to read back you’ll find this “By faith Abel, By faith Enoch, By faith Noah, By faith Abraham” When we read about Sara Abraham’s wife the verbiage changes. That word “Through” could mean because of Abraham’s faith. Abraham could not give Sara his wife any faith. Now Abraham’s faith no doubt could and did increase his wife Sara faith. Remember “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Sara was just like you and I. We must have our own faith. So I investigated further and went to the Greek and I found that the same Greek word was used for both of the words “by and through” were the same. Which confirmed that Sara had her own faith. I remember it well, the day I gave my heart to the Lord. On that day my life changed, don’t be surprised for that is what the Bible tells us will happen  

2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. On that day my faith in the Lord began to grow as I trusted the Lord more. Now my wife got a front row seat as she watched me change. The words that came out of my mouth changed, my friends slowly began to change, the places I enjoyed going too changed and going to church, yeah the place I never went became important to me. At night I would read the Bible to her and ask her questions about what I had read. Why did I do that? Because she had been brought up in Church and she knew the answers, it was great and I loved our time together. It was about 10 month that had went by when on one Sunday night we were at Church and my wife went to the altar to pray. I had no idea what she was praying for. Then our Pastor asked her this question “ what has the Lord done for you tonight?” Then she said these words “I was brought up in this Church, my daddy is a deacon, I thought I had been saved. But I don’t have what my husband has and tonight I asked the Lord to save me. You see I couldn’t give my faith to her she had to have her own. Oh yes my faith had a great impact on her. For she saw what the Lord was doing in my life. Remember she knew what I was, old things passed, all things new. Moms and Dads faith great, brother and sisters faith wonderful, husbands or wives faith outstanding but it’s not your faith. 

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