Monday, August 23, 2010

The Coat

There is an interesting verse in Genesis 37 its verse 3 which read like this Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. Here we have a father showing favor to one out of 11 sons; how do you think that made them feel? On top of that Joseph tells them of his dreams of how they are bowing down to him. That's like rubbing salt in an open wound. Let me put it in a way that might help us understand better what's taking place here. Let's say you come home to your wife and you tell her how much you love her. But that you have been thinking, after seeing all the hard work that she has been doing around the home that maybe it would be good to have another woman here to help her. So you bring in this nice looking young lady to help but before long you are spending quite a bit of time with her. One morning your wife finds you taking some of her clothes out of her closet. She stops you and says that those are her clothes but you quickly say, "Yes, I know dear but they have become quite tight on you because of the extra pounds you have put on and they will fit the new lady perfectly." How do you think that would make her feel? I don't think that would go over too well! I think that's how Joseph's brothers may have felt. Jacob without doubt made a mistake but before we blame Jacob with it all let's go back and look at something. Back in Genesis chapter 27 we see Isaac showing favoritism to Esau, Jacob's brother. What Isaac did wasn't right either but none the less he did it. Now Jacob showed favoritism toward Joseph and it causes havoc in the family. So much so that they decide to kill him and then lie to their father and say that some evil beast hath devoured him. Why did they dislike their brother Joseph so much? They hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. Jacob not only gave him favoritism but he didn't correct him like he should Genesis 37:11
And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. What happened? You know the story, Joseph's brother's hatred was so bad that they wanted to kill him but instead sold into slavery and lied to their father. In our day we call this a dysfunctional family. We must be careful about putting a coat on one of our family members for it will cause problems in the family. It's going to be a great week so put a smile on your face and be nice to those around you and treat everyone fair or as you would have them to treat you. Have a good and Godly day for this is the day which the LORD hath made so rejoice and be glad in it.

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