Monday, July 11, 2011


 The late Steve Curington President and Founder of Reformers Unanimous Addictions program would always close the Reformers Conference in Rockford, Illinois with what he called an Envision the Vision banquet. Where he would explain and show his vision for the next year; it was always an exciting time. I was thinking about that word “ENVISION” so I looked it up to see what the meaning was and here is what Merriam Webster said about the word Envision : to picture to oneself. Every year Steve Curington would do his best to get those who were there at the banquet to catch his vision for themselves. Have you ever stopped to think about what you envisioned? Our Bibles tell us in 
Proverbs  29:18  Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. I can understand what that means for we must have a vision; but sometime people have visions and the vision dies before it ever becomes visible, why? I believe here is the answer; if you can’t visualize you can’t materialize and if you can’t materialize you can’t realize. Maybe too many get a vision without ever visualizing. I remember standing in a field with my father-n-law back in the early 70’s. He showed me where we were fixing to start building their new home. All I saw was a field of grass and weeds. The words he said next impacted my life a little that night but God never let me forget what he said and would remind me over and over again until I understood.  This is what he told me that night, "I know you can’t see it but I see it as clear as if it was already built.” That’s it; if you can’t visualize it, you can’t materialize it and it can’t be realized. If we never materialize in our minds that people are dying without knowing who Jesus is and what He has done for them, than we will never realize that they are going to a devil’s hell. When that happens we lose the vision. Just as my father-n-law saw his new home already built before it was ever built; so you and I must in the same manner see those we come in contact with, with a clear vision. No, I am not talking about pushing someone in a corner and making them feel like dirt. Oh no, Jesus never used that approach and neither should we become so called Christian Police and humiliate them to the place of no return! We must just get the vision and with it get understanding and approach those around you with the love of Christ in your heart and it will come out of your mouth.  
Luke 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Have a blessed week!

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