Thursday, August 6, 2009

Something to Laugh At

When we are sick we go to the Doctor and he may give us some type of medicine to take that will make us well. We always take it for we want to get back to our old selves. What if I were to tell you that there is something we can do anytime we like and it would help our health like the medicine that a Doctor would prescribe for you! I have a good friend, that not along had a heart attack and the Doctor told him to laugh at least 10 times a day. In Proverbs 17:22 we are told A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. I read somewhere else that we are to laugh 12 times a day. I have come to the conclusion that we should laugh everyday of our lives. I read of an exercise we can all do. The next time you are in your car alone pull off and park and start laughing as loud and as hard as you can for one solid minute. Not 30 seconds but a full minute. Once you start it becomes easy to keep going because your brain is thinking….this is one of the nuttiest things I've ever done. I start laughing when I think about it. I read a true story not long ago about a flight attendant who worked for Southwestern Airlines. He announced over the P.A. system: "Today we have a gentleman on board who's celebrating his 99th birthday, and this is the first time he's ever flown." Well, the cabin broke out in light applause. Then the flight attendant said. "Now on the way out, stop by the cockpit and wish him a happy birthday." Everyone on board roared with laughter. I love to do things like that myself, too many are like robots going through the same old motions asking the same old questions and getting the same old answers. At a checkout line everyone give the same answers. Is this your correct address Mr. Smith? I will say something to the affect of "yes everything is correct except for my name, address and phone number." At that point they will look up and when we have made eye contact I will say something like "that's the way I found it out in your parking lot." They will most of the time smile and I will say that looks good on you keep wearing it. I tell you we just don't laugh enough and worry too much. Just think about it as going to the Doctor and him telling you to take this medicine and you should feel better in a day or so. Then you going home and never taking a drop of it and then you complain that the Doctor was a quack. If God says a merry heart does good like a medicine then believe Him and take it. Now go laugh at something; even if it's at yourself and do that at least 10 times every day for the rest of your life. That's what Dr. Jesus prescribed so Laugh loud, and Laugh often. It will keep you happy, keep you healthy, and keep your attitude headed in a positive direction.


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