Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Look Past the Garbage

I have noticed over the past few years that I am not as strong as I was at one time. Last Friday night once again I was reminded of that. We were moving things out of my office into storage when I tried to pick something up that in times past would have been no problem. But this night it was a major problem, I needed help and then it was still difficult for me. I have also noticed I have aches and pains in my joints my eyes aren't what they use to be and I think my hearing is starting… get the picture I am sure. I can look back and wish I was what I used to be or I can look at it another way. I like this way best "Yep, my body is wearing out, I guess, but I'm just grateful I'm here for it." You just have to see beyond your aches and pains to the blessing of at least being alive to feel them. Here is how you weigh them out: physical problems – small stuff, being alive – big stuff. Look at Proverbs 14:4
Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
Do you see the picture? The farmer is complaining about the mess his oxen make in the barn. If I didn't have those oxen, I wouldn't have all this manure. But wait if you didn't have the oxen you wouldn't have the harvest you are having. A little mess because you've got a big blessing. Too many times I complain and even get frustrated by things that aren't working, things that are hurting, things that need fixing, problems that need solving, jobs that need doing. Maybe I too forget that the reason I've got a problem is because I have a gift from God. I've been given blessings, opportunities, years, people who love me, people who look up to me, people who need me, and I have also been given a work to do. I can complain about the manure, or I can be glad I have an ox. I can gripe or be thankful for the gifts. I can be negative because of the mess, or I can be positive because the mess is the result of progress.
Psa 16:5
The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. {You Lord, are the one who determines my destiny}

Psa 16:6
The lines are fallen {boundary lines mark out} unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. {my inheritance is something beautiful}

Where is your attitude coming from? Is it coming from your load or your Lord? From your burdens or blessings! The mess from the wrapping paper or the gift from God that was wrapped in it! Look past the garbage to the goodness of God. Be thankful that you are here for it.



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